2 UMMA Objects
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This is an abstract metallic sculpture with a black square base. The silver metal of the sculpture is little thicker than wire and forms two into intersecting circular shapes.
José de Rivera (American (North American))
Construction #45
1952 – 1962
Gift of the Estate of Maxine W. Kunstadter in memory of Sigmund Kunstadter, Class of 1922
Square composition with large gray area and the remaining area has a series of curvilinear, multi-colored stripes. The largest stripes are yellow and straight- one runs from the lower left corner and tapers off in the upper right corner of the square; the other runs from the upper left corner and tapers off in the lower right corner. The other stripes, in shades of orange, red, blue and purple, radiate from the yellow stripes like the spokes of a fan.
Herbert Bayer (Austrian)
Gift of Dr. Seymour and Barbara K. Adelson